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Motivate your estate agent - the key to the best result

16 Oct 2020
In the realms of residential property marketing it is always difficult for an estate agent to figure out "the money shot" - (It's an advertising term normally

Politics do count...

15 Sep 2020
In the process, media exposure on corruption will multiply - to the extent that it could result in a national change in culture.

Expansive living exists only in our rear view mirror... at the moment

27 Aug 2020
Another interesting observation is that this market is attracting the interest of older, retired investors who normally rely on income from their savings and

Is this a little 'bounce back'?

22 Jul 2020
Shelter features high on Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of the five categories of humanity's physiological needs.

Property market is riding the Corona chaos wave

23 Jun 2020
All great changes are preceded by chaos"- Deepak Chopra. These were, indeed, wise words. Not least when considered against the Lockdown tsunami that has now

Revisited... "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"

18 May 2020
Right now, in the face of the CoronaVirus wrecking ball, it is both historic and ironic that, while we have all been burning up time under forced lockdown

Some less obvious consequences on the property market...

05 May 2020
There has been a drop in home values in South Africa in the wake of the onslaught of Covid-19, but to quantify it is difficult to gauge.

R500 billion helps national sentiment and the homes market

25 Apr 2020
Uncertainty is the nemesis of positive sentiment. The president's surprisingly large Covid-19 package has given the country hope that the 'tsunami' approaching

"First time buyers have a real opportunity to acquire fixed assets"

18 Apr 2020
In times of turmoil savvy investors favour fixed/hard assets. Right now, residential property is hugely undervalued.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.........."

04 Apr 2020
Seldom in the last couple of decades has there been a better time to buy residential property. People making lifestyle and investment decisions in these times,
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